How to Clean White Soles

Sole Rubbers are the quick and EASY WAY to clean white soles. Before we invented this product, were were asking the following questions:
- How do I clean white rubber soles on shoes?
- My new Chucks are scuffed! What now?
- How do you make soles white again?
- My shoes are filthy! How do I make them illthy?
We were so tired of our new kicks getting scuff marks only minutes out of the box that we tried everything!
We started with Google searches which led us to home remedies such as: Scrubbing Bubbles and a tooth brush. Or, Hand sanitizer and a paper towel. Both of those sort of worked but they left a mess and took FOREVER to complete.
You can find decent products on the market such as shoe wipes. They work for dust and mild dirt but they don't remove the hardcore scuff marks that plagued each of us. The sprays and brushes on the market aren't horrible but they leave a mess and certainly aren't convenient.
We wanted a product with three specific features:
- Convenience
- Ease and Speed
- Does the job WELL!
That's why we invented Sole Rubbers. It's ultra convenient in it's own, individual pouch. You can throw it in your glove box, your gym bag, your suit case, in your desk at work, any other place you need illthy shoes! It's pre-moistened so you can use it ANYWHERE without additional accessories. It works quickly and easily while effectively restoring soles like no other product out there.
#RUBITANDSEE for yourself with a multi-pack from our site. You'll wonder how you ever got by without them!